Module: Karafka::Web::Errors::Processing

Defined in:


Processing related errors namespace

Constant Summary collapse

MissingConsumersStateError =

Raised when we try to process reports but we do not have the current state bootstrapped If you see this error, it probably means, that you did not bootstrap Web-UI correctly
MissingConsumersStatesTopicError =

Raised when we try to materialize the state but the consumers states topic does not exist and we do not have a way to get the initial state. It differs from the above because above indicates that the topic exists but that there is no initial state, while this indicates, that there is no consumers states topic.
MissingConsumersMetricsError =

Similar to the above. It should be created during install / migration
MissingConsumersMetricsTopicError =

Similar to the one related to consumers states
IncompatibleSchemaError =

This error occurs when consumer running older version of the web-ui tries to materialize states from newer versions. Karafka Web-UI provides only backwards compatibility, so you need to have an up-to-date consumer materializing reported states.

If you see this error, please make sure that the consumer process that is materializing your states is running at least the same version as the consumers that are reporting the states

If you see this error do not worry. When you get a consumer with up-to-date version, all the historical metrics will catch up.