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Enhanced Web UI

The Enhanced Web UI, aside from all the features from the OSS version, also offers additional features and capabilities not available in the free version, making it a better option for those looking for more robust monitoring and management capabilities for their Karafka applications. Some of the key benefits of the Enhanced Web UI version include the following:

  • Enhanced consumers utilization metrics providing much better insights into processes resources utilization.
  • Consumer process inspection to quickly analyze the state of a given consuming process.
  • Consumer jobs inspection to view currently running jobs on a per-process basis.
  • Health dashboard containing general consumption overview information
  • Data Explorer allowing for viewing and exploring the data produced to Kafka topics. It understands the routing table and can deserialize data before it is displayed.
  • Enhanced error reporting allowing for backtrace inspection and providing multi-partition support.
  • DLQ / Dead insights allowing to navigate through DLQ topics and messages that were dispatched to them.
  • Consumer Processes Commanding from the Web interface.

Getting Started

Karafka Web UI will automatically switch to the Pro mode when Karafka Pro is in use.

There are no extra steps needed unless you want to completely disable consumers processes management.


The dashboard provides an all-encompassing insight into your Karafka operations. It’s an indispensable tool for anyone looking to monitor, optimize, and troubleshoot their Karafka processes. With its user-friendly interface and detailed metrics, you have everything you need to ensure the smooth running of your Kafka operations.

karafka web pro dashboard view


Enhanced consumer view reports all of the metrics available in the OSS version but also reports:

  • Machine memory usage
  • Machine memory available
  • Average CPU load from the last minute, 5 minutes, and 15 minutes
  • Threads utilization from the last 60 seconds

Those metrics can allow you to identify bottlenecks (CPU vs. IO) in your Karafka consumers.

Consumer Process Inspection

Consumer process inspection view provides real-time visibility into the performance and behavior of a given consumer process and its Kafka subscriptions.

karafka web ui

Consumer Jobs Inspection

The consumer jobs inspection view provides real-time visibility into the jobs running at the current moment on a given consumer instance.

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Consumer Details Inspection

This feature offers users a detailed look into each process's current state report. It's a valuable tool for thorough debugging and precise per-process inspection.

karafka web ui


This feature has its own dedicated documentation that you can access here.


This dashboard views show Karafka consumers' groups' health states with their lag aggregated information and basic trends.

Here you can learn more about the health information available in this dashboard view.

Topics Insights

The "Topics Insights" feature in Karafka Pro Web UI is a comprehensive suite designed to provide users with detailed information and analytics about their Kafka topics. This feature is crucial for developers who must ensure optimal configuration and performance of their Kafka topics. You can learn more about this feature here.


The "Web UI Explorer" in Karafka Pro Web UI provides detailed insights and analytics about Kafka messages. Essential for developers, it helps monitor, debug, and optimize Kafka applications. Learn more here

The Search feature is part of the Karafka Web UI Explorer, but due to its complexity, it has its dedicated section that can be found here.

Recurring Tasks

In the Karafka Pro Web UI, you can manage and monitor recurring tasks with ease:

  • Inspect Tasks: View detailed information on each task, including status, next execution, and last execution result.
  • Control Tasks: Enable, disable, or trigger tasks directly from the UI.
  • View Logs: Access and explore execution logs to track task performance and troubleshoot issues.

karafka web ui

Scheduled Messages

Karafka Pro's Enhanced Web UI provides detailed insights into scheduled messages, enabling efficient management and monitoring:

  • Daily Dispatch Estimates: View estimates of messages scheduled for dispatch across partitions, aiding in operational planning.
  • Loading State Monitoring: Monitor the loading state of partitions to ensure readiness, especially after nightly reloads.
  • Message Exploration: Access detailed information about messages, queued for future dispatch, including scheduled times and payload details.

karafka web scheduled messages state


Enhanced Web UI errors provide a few enhancements:

  • Supports error tracking on a high-scale due to the support of multiple partitions for the error topic.
  • Supports errors backtrace reporting in the dashboard.

It allows for easier debuggability and error exploration, enabling users to perform real-time data analysis and troubleshoot issues faster.

Errors list:

karafka web ui

Error details:

karafka web ui

DLQ / Dead

Dead insights allowing to navigate through DLQ topics and messages that were dispatched to them.

Automatic Qualification of DLQ Topics

Web UI will automatically classify any topics that contain dlq or dead_letter in their names - irrespective of case - as Dead Letter Queue (DLQ) topics. This means topics labeled with variations such as DLQ, dlq, Dead_Letter, or DEAD_LETTER will be viewed and managed under the DLQ view.

DLQ dispatched messages view:

karafka web ui

DLQ dispatched per message view:

karafka web ui