Articles and other references
Libraries and components
- Karafka
- Karafka Web UI
- WaterDrop
- Karafka-Testing
- Karafka-Core
- Karafka Rdkafka
- Rdkafka-Ruby
- Apache Kafka
- librdkafka
Articles and references about Karafka
Some of those might be outdated and may refer to previous Karafka versions. Keep that in mind.
- Under the Hood: Enhancing Karafka’s CPU and Memory Efficiency
- The librdkafka Supply Chain Breakdown: rdkafka-ruby’s Darkest Hour
- From Sleep to Speed: Making Rdkafka Sync Operations 16 Times Faster
- Karafka 2.4 Release Announcement: Advancing Kafka Processing for Ruby and Rails
- Refactoring in Practice (Using Kafka and Karafka)
- Karafka Framework 2.3 + Web UI 0.8 Release Announcement
- The Art of Forking: Unlocking Scalability in Ruby (Swarm)
- Karafka framework 2.1 announcement
- Karafka Web UI announcement
- Karafka framework 2.0 announcement
- Monitoring Karafka Jobs Progress Using Web UI
- Enhancing Data Reliability Through Transactional Offsets with Karafka
- Delaying Kafka Messages Processing with Karafka: A Deep Dive into Delayed Topics
- Kafka topics as a code – declarative Kafka topics management in Ruby
- Batch Processing with Kafka using Karafka Batch
- Integration Patterns for Distributed Architecture - Intro to Kafka
- Add a Kafka Consumer to Rails
- An alternative approach to custom partition assignment strategy for Kafka consumers with Karafka
- Kafka on Rails: Using Kafka with Ruby on Rails - Part 1 - Kafka basics and its advantages
- Kafka on Rails: Using Kafka with Ruby on Rails - Part 2 - Getting started with Rails and Kafka
- Karafka example applications
- Karafka (Ruby + Kafka) framework 1.4.0 Release Notes
- Karafka (Ruby + Kafka) framework 1.3.0 Release Notes
- Karafka – Ruby micro-framework for building Apache Kafka message-based applications
- Benchmarking Karafka – how does it handle multiple TCP connections
- Reduce your method calls by 99.9% by replacing Thread#pass with Queue#pop
- Karafka – Ruby framework for building Kafka message based applications (presentation)
- Kafka with Ruby on Rails by CJ Avilla
- RailsConf 2023 - Applying microservices patterns to a modular monolith by Guillermo Aguirre
- RubyConfTH 2023 - Event Streaming Patterns for Ruby Services by Brad Urani
- Kafka For Rubyists YouTube series by Karol Galanciak
- RedDotRubyConf 2017 - Spinning up micro-services using Ruby/Kafka by Ankita Gupta
- Pivorak - Karafka - Getting beyond HTTP by Maciej Mensfeld